
PSC lecturers hold Inter - School Public Speaking Competition


Preparatory Studies Center (PSC) lecturers Mr. Salim Hamdam Al Badi, Mr. Given Chakalisa and Mr. Johnny Kwashei Lanyon spearheaded an Inter-School Public Speaking Competition to hone the speaking skills of young students from secondary schools on 9 May, 2024, at UTAS-Shinas Campus. The following five schools participated in the event: Said Bin Musayyab School, Saad Bin Abi Waqas School, Suhail Bin Amro School, Ibin Al Atheer School, and Shinas Girls High School. Three students participated from each school and every school excelled in their performance. Prior to the event, Mr. Given and Mr. Johnny trained the students. Out of the fifteen student participants, five were chosen as winners. The overall best speaker was won by Fajar Adel Al Balushi from Shinas Girls high School. Prizes were also given to the first three best schools and Shinas Girls high school won the first prize. The competition was judged by Mr. Mansoor Ibrahim Qasim Al Balushi, Ms. Hajar Ali Abdallah AL Ghufaili, Ms. Beena Ramachandran and Ms. Veronica Juan. Deputy of the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Postgraduate Studies, Scientific Research and Innovation Dr. Darwish Al Kalbani, PSC Head Ms. Amal Saeed Khamis Al Jahwari, and English Curriculum and Assessment Unit (HoU) Head Ms. Amira Mohammed Murad Al Balushi, attended the event. The headteachers and representatives were present with the competitors for the event. The UTAS English Language Group extended their support and help. The event showcased the talent and skills of students. The students spoke on various topics. The event came to a successful end with vote of thanks by the HoS -Ms. Amira, and distribution of prizes and certificates for all participants. Said event was planned and organized by PSC as part the of the community engagement program.

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