
PSC conducts workshop on “Presentation Skills for Effective Communication”


The Community Engagement Committee of the Preparatory Studies Center (PSC) organized a workshop on “Presentation Skills for Effective Communication” on 25th April 2024 at F-Building, UTAS-Shinas Campus. Mr. Basit Sultan Tanoli, English Lecturer, served as the resource speaker. The workshop was attended by 43 students, community members, and alumni. It covered essential topics including overcoming stage fright, structuring presentations, and effective delivery techniques. Participants engaged actively, appreciating the practical insights shared to them. Mr. Basit emphasized the importance of communication skills in today's world and expressed satisfaction with the attendees' enthusiasm. Feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the workshop's relevance and value for personal and professional development. In recognition of his exceptional contribution to the recent Presentation Skills Workshop, Mr. Basit Sultan Tanoli was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation by Mr. Salim AlBadi, Community Engagement Committee Coordinator. UTAS-Shinas remains committed to offering such enriching opportunities, ensuring its community is equipped with essential skills for success.

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