
IT Department conducts workshop on “Desktop Publishing”


The Information Technology (IT) Department organized a workshop on "Desktop Publishing" held on 22-23 April 2024, at A-139, Main Building, UTAS-Shinas Campus. IT lecturers Mr. Venugopal and Mr. Justin served as resource speakers. The 2-day workshop aimed to improve the participants’ skills using tools such as MS Publisher 2016, Canva, and PowerPoint. The trainers used several teaching methods such as hands-on and practical exercises to equip the attendees with the customized publishing skills. Said workshop was organized to enrich participant’s creativity through creating business cards, greeting cards, brochures, calendars, etc. The series of sessions ended with Ms. Amna Al Kaabi, Head of the Section- IT, distributing the certificates of appreciation to the speakers. The workshop was spearheaded by the Community Engagement Committee of the department.

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