HOD Message



As the Head of the Information Technology Department at UTAS Shinas, I am thrilled to extend a warm welcome to our digital realm. Your presence here is not merely a casual visit. It signifies the commencement of an exciting journey of transformation.


At the core of our department is a team of exceptional educators and experts. Our staff not only possesses academic prowess but is also fueled by a fervor for innovation. Their unwavering commitment to excellence is the driving force behind our mission to nurture the next generation of tech leaders.


In addition to our esteemed faculty, we take great pride in our strategic partnerships with industry giants like Cisco, Oracle, Microsoft, and Huawei. These collaborations provide our students with unique opportunities to acquire industry-standard knowledge and proficiency, contributing to Oman's vision for technological advancement and innovation.


Our department offers specialized programs in Software Engineering and Network Computing, meticulously designed to equip our students with the skills, knowledge, and practical experience necessary to excel in their chosen field of study, contributing to Oman's goal of developing a highly skilled workforce.


But our commitment to our students transcends the confines of the classroom. We prioritize the student experience, offering an array of extracurricular activities, internships, and collaborative projects that enable our students to put their learning into practice in real-world scenarios, furthering Oman's aspiration for a well-rounded and innovative society.


Furthermore, innovation is at the core of our department's culture. We encourage our students to explore their creativity and entrepreneurial spirit through hackathons, innovation challenges, and collaborative research projects. We firmly believe that these opportunities empower our students to think outside the box, solve real-world problems, and develop the practical skills necessary for success in the technology landscape.


We invite you to explore our pages, delve into our programs, and engage with our vibrant community. Your journey with us is not just an academic endeavor. It is a pathway to empowerment and leadership in the digital age. With us, every day presents an opportunity to learn, innovate, and make a lasting impact.


Thank you for gracing us with your presence in our virtual space.


Ms. Amina Al-Jabri
Head of Department