HOD Message


The Mass Communication Department at the University of Technology and Applied Sciences – Salalah provides a diverse range of majors for students seeking comprehensive education in media-related fields:


1. Digital Media:

The Digital Media major delves into practical and conceptual competencies in interactive media production. This encompasses the creation of text, audio, still and moving images, and their integration into interactive media pieces across various delivery modes. Students are equipped to critically assess 'interactivity' and 'interface' in emerging media forms, with a dedicated focus on budgeting, timeframes, and project management.


2. Journalism:

The Journalism major emphasizes the principles and theory of journalism practice, focusing on fundamental skills and formats. Students learn content structuring, news story research and writing for specific target audiences. The curriculum also includes exposure to public relations communication, news reporting, public affairs reporting, as well as editing and designing newspaper layouts, incorporating graphics, photos, and headlines.


3. Public Relations:

This major explores the theory and principles of Public Relations, with a specific focus on common issues in business communication. Key concepts covered include audience analysis, strategic planning, and decision-making within the context of events management, marketing, advertising, and media. Students delve into organizational communication and business-oriented communication strategies, including human resource communication, addressing employment and industrial relations, employer and employee rights, among other topics.


4. Advertising:

The Advertising major analyzes the role and practices of media in advertising. Students gain insights into the significance of marketing research in advertising and learn to develop advertising strategies and campaigns. The curriculum covers the entire production process, from idea generation and copywriting to the artistic and technical realization of advertisements and commercials across print and electronic media.


The Mass Communication Department supports student learning through state-of-the-art facilities, including a Digital Media Studio, Computer Labs and an Audio Editing Computer Lab. These resources provide students with hands-on experience and practical skills essential for success in the dynamic field of mass communication. The department does not fail to encourage students to get engaged in research and extracurricular activities.



Dr. Arafat Awadh Al Jamil 
Head of The Department of Mass Communication