Environmental Sciences

ES HOSThe Environmental Sciences specilization shows a balanced treatment of all branches of Environmental Science with the inclusion of recent advances and current topics in the different courses of the program. The program provides an in-depth understanding of the basic principles and concepts governing Environmental Sciences. The curriculum extends the students’ knowledge and understanding of the critical assessment of current views and theories to the study of selected areas of the Environmental Sciences. It also improves the performance of the student’s basic environmental sciences techniques in either a laboratory or fieldwork research setting. The program provides the graduates with a strong sense of concern for the environment.


Lastly, the program may also serve as a feeder to an existing graduate program (Master of Science in Environmental Science) in colleges or universities in the gulf region and in other countries.


The Environmental Sciences Program started in 2003 after its approval by the Ministry of Manpower (MoM) as a new additional specialization of the Applied Sciences Department. The creation of the program is a vivid manifestation of the university’s support to the government’s goal of synchronizing the country’s socio-economic development with the conservation and protection of the environment and its biodiversity. It is with great pride and joy to let you know that the program has graduated the pioneer batch.


In fact, this program reflects the aim, goals and objectives of the Applied Sciences Department. The primary focus of its curriculum is to impart technical know-how to students, enhance their problem solving skills and abilities in the innovation of new technologies. The contents of its courses are periodically updated so that new scientific and technological developments are introduced to the students. Also, the program promotes environmentalism since it is becoming more and more significant in today’s world. This is just one of the clear manifestations of our commitment to eco-friendly lifestyles.


The Environmental Sciences students are involved in performing research projects that are anchored on Oman’s Environmental issues. The section’s research facilities together with the other department facilities are available to support our academic program and research endeavors.


The Environmental Sciences Section, indeed, prepares our graduates, to be committed and efficient human resources for both government and private sector which is a significant milestone as we continue to strengthen our focus in increasing diversity in the country’s supply chain of human resources.


Dr. Asma Said Khalid Al-Hosni
Head of Section